Ostarine was developed to fight muscle wasting diseases as well as osteoporosis.
While Ostarine is significantly anabolic (approximately half as anabolic as testosterone), it’s even better at being anti-catabolic. It has proven to be beneficial in healing and even preventing injuries in tendons, bone, and ligaments.
Benefits have been shown to include:
increased lean muscle mass
anabolic to androgenic ration of 18:1
improved strength
has been shown to improve endurance and cardiovascular longevity
assists in fighting osteoporosis and strengthens skeletal structure
improves joint and ligament health
significantly anabolic, event at low doses (as low as 3mg)
reduces degeneration during recovery times from serious injuries
very effective during bulking cycles
24 hour half-life so only one daily dosage is required
** For research purposes only, all of the above information is anecdotal and has not been evaluated by any regulatory body in North America **